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  1. Good to know it isn't just me. 🙂 I have stumbled onto a bit of a workaround by turning on Outer Before Inner Walls and then turning on Retract at Layer Change and adding a little Extra Prime Amount. It doesn't eliminate the 2nd pass, but since the outside wall prints right at the start of the layer, the nozzle is fully primed. It works for the type of print I'm doing, which is pretty much all straight unsupported wall. I don't think it would work as well for something more intricate. I will look into trying the beta and your other suggestions. Thanks for your help!
  2. I am having a similar issue with my Ender 3 Pro and Cura 4.9.1. My wall thickness is 1.2mm so each wall is made of 3 lines. I've been trying different settings and nothing seems to fix the problem. What seems to be happening is the inner (center) wall prints, followed by the inside outer wall. Then, instead of traveling directly to the start of the outside outer wall, the entire center inner wall is traversed again, except with no extrusion, before moving to the outside outer wall. I've watched my extruder and there is no positive or negative movement during this movement. I'm pretty sure traversing the inner wall again is leaving the nozzle voided due to oozing and then leads to the under extrusion. I can't find any setting that changes this behavior. To either eliminate the 2nd "dry" traversal of the inner wall, or to trigger a retraction so the nozzle is re-primed at the start of the outside outer wall. I've tried turning combing off and Fill Gaps between Walls and others. Any help or insight would be appreciated. 3linewalls.3mf
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