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Posts posted by FrankSchwab

  1. 15 hours ago, obewan said:

    Setting the 'support Z distance' too 0 will start the support on layer 2 instead of layer 3.



    Ding, Ding, Ding, I think we have a winner!  This isn't a "bug", it's a "feature".  After finding the setting and reviewing the docs, I understand now, and this is intentional behavior to allow supports to be easily removed on the bottom side as well as the top side of the support. 


    Sigh.  10 million options.  Some day I'll learn half of them.


    Thanks, obewan.

  2. I'm having a problem.  Internal supports seem to be missing the initial layer.  I had this problem in Cura 4.8, and just installed 4.10.0 hoping it would resolve the problem, and it still exists.  Using Cura defaults for all options except "Generate Support" is checked, on the "Generic PETG" "Draft - 0.2mm" profile. 


    For example, attached is an OpenSCAD sourceSupportTest.zip file and .stl for a simple hollow cylinder with a single-layer bottom.  When I preview and review layers:

    1. Layer 1 covers the entire bottom of the cylinder, as expected.

    2. Layer 2 (attached) starts building the walls, as expected.  But the support structures aren't getting built which isn't as expected.

    3. Layer 3 (attached) continues building the walls, as expected, and starts building the support structures.


    I've tried making the initial layer all kinds of different thicknesses, as well as selecting different profiles (0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3), and the problem persists.  Eliminating the single-layer bottom eliminates the problem; the support structures start getting built on Layer 1 as expected. 


    I'd appreciate any help that anyone might have.




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