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Posts posted by Bonjour00787

  1. 1 minute ago, Smithy said:

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. We have some postings here in the forum with similar issues and there you find also some helpful tips. 


    Basically you have to heatup the print cores manually but that alone is often not enough. So use a heat gun to carefully soften the material and remove it piece by piece from the head. But be careful to not melt the plastic of the print head itself. A temperature regulated heat gun is sometimes better but a normal one is also ok. 


    This issue often happens, when your bed adhesion is not good enough. The object gets loose and then moves around with the print head. The print core still extrudes the material, but the nozzle sticks on the object so the filament uses other ways to extrude.


    Thanks a lot for the tips. I'll go search for some rescue operation examples !


  2. Hello,

    Complete newbie here. After a few successful small prints, I launched a rather big print remotely from home (with no video return - realized too late that the firmware needed update). Next morning at the office, realized the catastrophic results : nothing got printed, but a huge heap of melted (now solidified) material around the nozzle and the fan. Even the fan bracket is stucked, can't be opened. Material can't even be unloaded, everything seem to be glued together. Please have a look at the attached pics. Any hope to recover from this mess ? Thanks !




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