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Posts posted by tifhorn

  1. I've stumbled onto this problem 2 weeks ago and just today realized what is the cause... As I'm mechanically modifying my Ender 3 v2 alot, the first thought was that I had messed something up, as on zoomed out preview in Cura (also using 4.10 version) this layer thickening wasn't quite noticeable.


    I cannot understand why this expansion happens in both X and Y direction in case, when "hole" has only two boundaries in specific layer, as in GregValiant's example - it goes right through the wall, so only two sides of hole are limited and then, in my opinion, Cura should expand it only in this axis, ignoring the other. And it shouldn't be really hard to code that behaviour tho...


    Or at least add an option, which will let the user choose to ignore those holes/"breaks" in walls from expanding - detection of such shouldn't be quite hard, if you already have an algorithm for finding holes in layers.

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