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Posts posted by Hastione

  1. Hello Greg Thanks for looking. Yeah its definatley a weird problem i have tried printing directly form the sd card i would say 2 times out of ten when sliced from Cura i get the strange movement around the bed while still extruding then beck to the print but it doesent do it on the Prusaslicer files on sd card at all on the sd card. i think i will try reinstalling the firmware and tehn try if possible a earlier version of Cura see how i go.

    The callouts for autobots i forgot to delete lmao i pick up the Bltouch starting Gcode from somewhere and just forgot to change it.

    All i can say thanks so much for your help i will reinstall the firmware etc and update in a week or so once again thankyou.

    Regards Lee 

  2. Hello Greg

    Thanks for getting back to me i see  your point thankyou for explaining it to me any other ideas why it randomly does this then ?.

    I have unchecked Arcwelder from the settings and i will try again later when the print i am doing now has finished by trying the file i sent you again.


    Regards Lee


  3. Hello Greg thankyou for replying

    I have Octoprint connected and a bought a new sd card a few months ago as the one that came with it was to say the least crappy. i always transfer the files through the Octoprint connection never through sd card if that helps. i have added the 3mf file fo you to look at and i think i might have found the cause. You mentioned arcwelder i dont use Arcwelder but i noticed in the settings it was enabled along with G90 Influences. i have the silent board with the Th3D Unified Firmware installed and Bltouch and i dont remember enabling Arcwelder when i compiled the firmware over a year ago.

    I have checked Octoprint and i havent got the Arcwelder Plugin installed. Hopefully i might have found the problem with your help with just the Arcwelder Comment but if you find something else i will be pleased to know.

    Thanks for your help Lee



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  4. Hello all hopefully someone can explain what im doing wrong or there is a setting i need to adjust. I have a Creality ender 3 and i use Cura as my slicer.

    The issue is the printer prints fine but some times the hotend will move away from the print move around the outside of the bed in a anticlocwise direction while extruding filament then return to the print and carry on. Sometimes it will cause layer shift by about 3 to 5 mm but most of the time it will carry on but repeat the anticlocwise movement again later in the print.

    This has been happenning in Cura 4.11 and now in the latest version. I have tried reinstalling Cura and i have just tried using the basic Esun PLA+ grey fillment  profile (Esun Pla+ is the main filament i use)  with hot end temp set to 205 degress heated bed set to 60 degrees Z hop/ Z lift set to 0.2.

    i have tried printing with Prusaslicer the same print and this does not happen any help will be appreciated.


    regards Lee

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