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Posts posted by Foxyproxy

  1. I use Klipper and Fluidd. The start gcode calls on a macro in klipper and passes through the temps. The macro handles the rest. Good point on line width, I'll make sure to change it. Already disabled retract before outer wall and layer change. That said, I've found my issue. After checking e-steps calibration, I found that it extuded only 18mm instead of 50mm and was squeaking a lot. Turned out the extruder arm has a crack in it. Time for an upgrade.

  2. Hopfully someone here can help me. My walls seems to constantly under extrude. I know the cause... when the printer moves from infill to the walls, it sits still at the start of a wall and retracts (6mm) and primes (6mm) again. Then it starts printing the wall. But this retraction and priming results in underextrusion at the start of the walls. At first I thought it was pressure advance but its not as I tested with that off. Anyone has any ideas?

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