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Posts posted by ozklnceren

  1. 32 minutes ago, 43915 said:

    Ah, it looked like the problem was on the bottom of the print, as in issues with the first layer. If it keeps doing it on following layers I'm not sure what could be the cause. Maybe your nozzle is too hot? Considering that it looks like you get quite a bit of burned blobs here and there on the print.


    If not you might have to wait for one of the experts here on the site to respond.

    Thank you for your effort 🙂 appreciate it

  2. 54 minutes ago, 43915 said:

    I've had issues with this before with ABS, and for me it turned out that I had the nozzle too close to the bed.


    At first I figured that I didn't get it close enough and I leveled it countless times both with a paper in between and also by eye and feel to try to make it work. Then after I applied gluestick to the glass bed the nozzle came slightly closer to the bed because of the glue layer and the prints ended up looking like on your pictures. Moved the bed closer and closer thinking it was too big of a gap causing the plastic to not squish against it properly, but the result only got worse.


    What ended up working for me was increasing the distance between the nozzle and the bed quite a bit. I'm guessing that when the nozzle gets too close to the bed it kind of drags on the plastic causing it to curl up behind the nozzle. Kind of like if you put a rubber band on a flat surface and push your finger down on it hard while also pulling it along the table, the rubber band will raise off of the surface behind your finger.


    There's a really fine line between having the nozzle to far from the bed and too close to the bed, and it can be very frustrating to get it right. Especially with glue on the bed and with certain filaments.

    I am actually using raft not gluestick or abs-juice. This is the result i have tried again after i create this content 😞

    WhatsApp Image 2021-12-02 at 12.30.51.jpeg

  3. Hello everybody,
    I'm using Creality 10S Pro V2. And we are using ABS filament our prints. But i couldn't find a way to fix this first layer pop up while its printing. It is starting curl and swirl then next line nozzel come and push it down or burn cause its too hot. I have tried almost every suggestions that i can find but couldn't fix it. Btw it is happening when i am printing large skin designs for the smaller ones there is no problem. Any new suggestion or the thing i apply wrong, could you help me?

    WhatsApp Image 2021-12-02 at 10.13.54 (1).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-12-02 at 10.13.54.jpeg

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