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Posts posted by mkentisaacs

  1. I've run every diagnostic possible from the menu, manual levelling, lever check etc., and when I calibrate the x/y offset it prints the pattern perfectly every time without issue. When I try to run a print (successful on other S3 machines), however, it gives me the "nozzle offset probe failed" error. Where do I go from here (reluctant to start messing with wires and internals)? I updated the firmware yesterday and now when I check the levelling sensor it says "noise is 3.3/3.4" - what does this mean? Thank you for any and all help.

  2. My place of work has 3 Ultimaker S3s, often running simultaneously on different projects. However, routinely at least 1 of the machines will consistently fail to calibrate, most often "nozzle offset probe failed". I've run every possible diagnostic, cleaned the plate, bed, and nozzles, to no avail. This happens just about every day, to the point where I feel that our rate of failure is outside of the norm for such expensive machines.

    My question is: is it possible that the machines are interfering in some way with each other? I have read that the printers have inbuilt measures to account for capitative sensor interference, but at this point I can't think of anything else that may be causing these problems.

    Thanks for any and all replies.

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