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Posts posted by BobSisson

  1. I am trying to work on my startup code


    I currently print a stripe down the Left side before I begin to prime the extruder


    I was wondering if there is a Variable/PlaceHolder for the Y_Bed Size I could use in my start up so I could "G1 X10 Y(Y_Bed_Size * .75) E15 so it would print the stripe to 75% of the bed.  As I have several different printers, with different bed sizes, and TRYING to standardize my startup code...


    PS... for a .40 wide line, what do I need my E value to be, E15 draws a very thin line, the E30 on the way back does the same, pretty thin... not sure what the value should be vs. distance...



  2. OK, I have gone through the forums, and google, but have yet to find a solution to JUST supports being stringy.


    My non-support models are the best I have ever done, so I have the temp and retraction dialed in for the model, but when I use supports it strings like crazy BETWEEN THE SUPPORTS. The rest of the model is perfect.


    how do I tune the retraction for the supports?


    I dont want to play with any settings that will affect the -Model-, as it is doing great, but JUST the supports...


    I am running 4.13 on win10 going to a JGMaker Artist-D with Biqu-H2 extruders using IIID filaments.


    PS... I love the new auto tune for different model types and issues, prototype, miniature, top layer, adhesion, etc.



  3. Sometime recently I saw a slicer (don't remember which one) that had a setting that turned on the fan EARLY, anticipating the needed fan speed.  My fan doesn't run all the time, it come on in bursts, but if my extruder is moving fast, the fan may not come on in time to up to speed when needed.


    It would be nice to have a setting that would Anticipate the cooling need and ramp up the fan 1/4-1/2 second early...


    just my $.02



  4. Thanks... most of the plugins I deleted were specific purpose, like reading a file type I don't use...

    Coming from Fusion360, "Simulation" is something very different thing, and a feature a necessary as layer view I would never think would be implemented in a plugin... I went through the plugIns looking for "layer view" and didn't see anything...


    Oh well, I found it and got was able to figure out what was going wrong...


    thanks again...

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