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Posts posted by Torpedo123456

  1. Even if just "Fill gaps" is used, Cura produces some scattered lines, messing up the form. I can’t comprehend why reduced flow line (Compensated Wall Overlaps) has some “bubbles” along the path, reminds me on messed up PID controller, especially on a curved path. Nozzle goes around touching some points of the line, without much influence, except extruder/filament flow disturbance.       

    The best result I got with halved inner wall thickness. But then extruder flow can’t be regenerated in time to properly start full sized outer wall.         



  2. I wonder if anyone can comment why Cura can't fill a thin wall with just one line between outer shell lines. It is always drawing two lines, back and forth. To make things even worse, when coming back with INFIL line, it doesn't reduce flow at all, even though there's totally no room for another line. Same problem is related to TOP/BOTTOM line. Cura just have to finish line by returning over it, with full flow regardless if there is space for another line. INNER LINE is making the same problem. Even if I use COMPENSATE WALL OVERLAPS, Cura is trying to add some dots and pieces which are actually not missing (but in some internal calculation I guess  there are microns missing), ruining print which would be perfectly good without it. After spending hours trying to adjust as many parameters I could think of, I found a solution in Prusa slicer. Prusa automatically adjusted filling line width/flow  and made instant excellent print. I would like to stay with Cura, to keep more adjustments which Cura brings with plugins and various settings, but this project is doomed in Cura. Please tell me, am I doing something wrong? Project is in the attachment.  Thanks!


    Filament is PLA 1.75, Nozzle 0.8.


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