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Posts posted by TahSquid

  1. Hello, fellow 3d printing enthusiasts!

    I recently fixed my printer, so as you can see, the print got a bit scuffed, but right before it broke down, I realized something wierd with that spesific print, there are lines across the whole print that shouldn't be there, so I sliced it up to double checked it, and as it turnes out, Cura create a few lines that isn't suppost to be there, not just on the model itself, but on the support aswell. You can see it on the image linked below. There is nothing wrong with the model itself, as you can see, I had to use a different program in order for me to fix this issue. I tried a different model and got the same result, just on different location. While i was putting out supports, I didn' really think about it before I noticed it on my print. The issue wouldn't really matter because of my printer broke down, so had to redo the print anyways, but I couldn't use Cura for it.


    Here is a picture BEFORE and AFTER slicing, aswell the result of the print from CURA. Here is the result from a different software.


    My question is acually if there is a fix for this or if someone stumble upon this before? I like to use Cura, so simple and easy access to different plugins etc.


    Happy Printing!

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