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Posts posted by Graan4

  1. Hello

    We just got an Ultimaker S5 at my work and want to print direct from a workstation with Cura. Tried different approaches but seems I cannot get a direct network connection.

    According the manual Ultimaker uses port 5353. I tried with a switch between  but no success. The I tried to connect the printer direct to the workstation. I see the printer in Cura with its IP address and the WS get an address in the same range. However seems a connecton can not be established. I dont see the webcam as well. I run WIN 10 and disabled the firewall. 

    When trying to do a network ping from WS (Test-NetConnection  in powershell) on port 5353 to Ultimaker there is ping response but port 5353 is not responding. Port 80 and 8080 are responding. 

    When connecting through the Cloud service all works fine. But since we prefere to connect direct to the printer this is not an option at the moment. 

    So either its not possible to connect direct to the printer or I do something wrong?


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