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Posts posted by guillaumed

  1. Hi everyone


    It's my first post on this forum. I'm quite new to 3d printing, I've been into this for a few months and always with great success until now. I must start by saying Cura is an amazing piece of software !


    Today I have the first issue with it, in a way I really don't understand. My STL is sliced in a way that would produce a very different shape, and it's a different problem depending on the orientation I choose to put the model on. The problem is very reproducible, it happens everytime with this STL. I'm having this issue on Cura version 4.4.1, on Linux Mint 20.3.


    The STL has been produced by Freecad 0.20 (which I love too), the stl and .fcstd file are provided. My piece is as follows, kind of a tube with an inner thread, nothing very fancy :



    I export this in STL, and then I import it into Cura, it looks fine at first. But after slicing it creates bad results. Vertically (that was my intention) it fills in part of the hole on a few centimeters :



    And horizontally it misses a lot of the material :




    I'm kind of lost here, my workflow was pretty fluid until then. I won't really need this piece after all, but I'd like to understand what happens here. I hope someone here may have a clue, but I'm very puzzled (and a bit worried about my future slicings !)


    Thanks in advance



    manchon-evac-LV-pro.FCStd.zip manchon-evac-LV-pro.stl

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