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Posts posted by Cognitif

  1. I agree with your answer. When you don't have station equipment, it's easy to change filament.

    With MS, when you have a problem with the filament, for example a filament breaking in a bowden tube, you have to remove the filament manually.
    To remove the broken filament, you have to turn off the printer (the MS too), lift the lever and manually pull the filament.
    You cannot remove the broken filament with an MS on. The MS motors do not allow manual removal.

    For my filament change problem:
    The script has successfully stopped the printer at the correct layer. On the other hand, when I want to remove the filament, the buttons on the LCD screen are grayed out.
    I did 2 tests: the first is the use of the "Filament Change" script with the Firmare checkbox checked.
    The second without checked firmware and with 2600 mm of retraction (MS->extruder filament length)

    Nothing running. No withdrawal made by the MS

    What I imagine to solve the problem (2 possible solutions): Make available the roll unload buttons on the LCD screen of the S5 when the printer is paused.
    Or modify the "Filament Change" script to handle the MS.

    Can anyone help me? another solution that works?

  2. Hello,
    I want to change filament during printing.
    I used the "Filament Change" script.
    The printer stops as expected, but the unloading of the filament did not take place.
    I've tried unloading the filament manually on the S5's LCD, but it's impossible.
    I suspect that it is the "Material station" which is not foreseen in the script "Filament Change"
    I thank you in advance for your help.
    I wish you beautiful impressions 🙂

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