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Posts posted by mardocheo

  1. On 11/27/2021 at 1:45 AM, Ch3vr0n said:

    Is this new engine (when finally released) going to allow prints that have text in the first layer, to be printed with a brim on the OUTSIDE of the model only? So text doesn't get filled in?

    option 1: ur print has empty text (holes)

    option 2: ur print has filled text with separated print time (2 print)


    Solution for option 1 and possibly option 2:

    don't use brim, but use SKIRT with 0 DISTANCE

  2. On 8/30/2020 at 12:58 AM, NameOfTheDragon said:

    Hi everyone. I've tried looking in the online guides for this but I can't seem to find anything. I'm using Klipper firmware and I want to set the pressure advance based on the nozzle diameter. Is that something I can do in Cura? Basically what I need is a case statement, or if-then-else. The gcode I need to add is:



    For a 0.4mm nozzle the value should be 0.153, for a 0.2mm nozzle it's 0.250, etc. The values are determined by printing a calibration tower and they are different for every nozzle size and in some cases per filament. In Prusa Slicer I've done it like this:

    {if nozzle_diameter[0] == 0.2} SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=0.250
    {elsif nozzle_diameter[0] == 0.4} SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=0.153

    I imagine there must be some similar technique in Cura, Can anyone point me to the right documentation or an example, please?



    [gcode_macro m900]

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