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Posts posted by R2D2sRevenge

  1. Hi Greg, 🙂

    Thanks for the quick reply. 

    Ive tried to enable "connect infill lines", but it seems to have no effect.

    Maybe the problem is, that the infill geometry could not be completed in each layer cause its just to thin?

    But if I set the infill to 100% I have also the unnecessary lines.

    There are sooo much options too choose and I don't really know what they are doing 


    I upload the 3mf file. 🙂

    Many thanks in advance



  2. Hi all 🙂

    im new to this Forum and got a question.

    Ive done a 3d model and imported it in Ultimaker Cura (latest version).

    The printing was ok, but why I have all the unnecessary lines and how can I get rid of them?

    Are there any chances to delete the lines? It is just a model with walls, so it should be possible that the printer just continiously makes "circles" to complete, or do I have something misunderstood?

    I attach a picture to make clear what I mean.


    Gretes and Many thanks in advance


    Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-09 um 14.12.35.png

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