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Posts posted by SimonOnnered

  1. When trying to print larger print which covers a large part of the buildplate, the printhead appears to move closer and closer to the bed until it is so close that no filament comes out from the extruder. Then the feeder gears start grinding down the filament inside the feeder, and no filament can be fed even for the second layer.

    What is surprising is that the outer walls appears to prints without problem. (Picture 2,3 & 4)
    The problem is appearant when printing larger objects, or multiple smaller which covers a large area.
    For smaller objects, the printer reaches the second layer before things get out of hand.

    Picture 1 shows some sort of pattern that I think may be helpful to diagnose the problem, but I don't konw how to interpret it.
    It is like it gets closer and closer to the print bed.

    Printing on PEI sheet attached to steel plate placed onto magnetic board.
    The corner which the printer approches (Bottum right in Picture 2) had a metal clip which was not completely tight to the glass bed. This was however adjusted, but the problem remains.
    Have cleaned the printbed completely  for most prints so I don't suspect old residual filament to be causing the problem during auto-level-calibration.
    Have tried both PLA and PETG, same problem with both.
    Same problem with both Extruder1 and Extruder 2.
    Using same slicer setting which have been successful before.

    Does anyone know what may be causing this problem?






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