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Posts posted by Casper1313

  1. Hi.


    About 2 weeks ago, on my Ultimaker 2+ connected started to show this unskippable message. When pressing 'To main menu', the window closes and opens again. Just restarting the printer is cures this upon next printed model.


    The last available firmware is installed.



  2. Hi.


    I have all Cura version are installed on my PC from 4.12.1 (every updated version do not uninstall previous one).

    I try to slice with default Fine 0.1 with nozzle 0.4 pre-settings (with support active).

    Cura 5.*'th versions stack on ~80% slicing, and using Threadripper 2950x nearly by max. But even after 10 minutes, no result.

    Cura 4.2.13 did it within 20 seconds on same default pre-setting. (don't worry about custom name of setting, there are just brim customization, same result with clear default pre-setting)


    Yes, the model is not brilliant (downloaded as is), but ? is same, what's the problem with 5.*'th versions of Cura.

    I attached .stl, if you want to try it yourself. Scale 1000%




  3. 16 hours ago, ahoeben said:

    The colors or the spacing?

    Both of them, as for me.

    Colors are RAW black - it is impossible to work much time with such them. Grey or bluerish-grey do not hit in the eyes as much.

    Gigantism also not good. There are too much preferences, that might be checked before printing, and with such big spaces, you'll have to scroll too much, instead of viewing all of them at ones.

    If it possible and developers have time, just make extra theme. They know code, for them it takes 1 hour, for us - it takes 1 day. Because there is no autoupdate, you have to reopen Cura to show changed effects.

  4. Hi.

    New dark themes is [very bad], is it possible to make old 4'th theme include font?

    I'm trying to myself change colors in theme.json but code is slice different, many settings from old one are not included in new one.

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