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Posts posted by geuve

  1. Hello,


    thank you for your answer, I changed that portion of code and it worked perfectly!


    I have one further question: I see that other lines are inserted at the end of the gcode and are not affected by the custom postprocessing script I've developed. These lines appear at the very end of the gcode and are something like

    ;SETTING_3 {"extruder_quality": ["[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Low Quality #
    ;SETTING_3 2\\ndefinition = creality_ender3pro\\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_version
    ;SETTING_3  = 15\\nquality_type = low\\nposition = 0\\ntype = quality_changes\\n
    ;SETTING_3 \\n[values]\\nwall_line_count = 3\\n\\n"], "global_quality": "[genera
    ;SETTING_3 l]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Low Quality #2\\ndefinition = creality_base
    ;SETTING_3 \\n\\n[metadata]\\nsetting_version = 15\\nquality_type = low\\ntype =
    ;SETTING_3  quality_changes\\n\\n[values]\\n\\n"}

    How can I change the comment string in these lines or avoid to write those?

  2. Hello everyone in the forum!


    I have a question: I'm creating a postprocessing script to modify the gcode produced by Cura.


    Everything works very well, but I see that in the modified gcode the line ";POSTPROCESSED" appears. Is it possible to avoid producing this line?


    Otherwise, is it possible to change the comment string ";" to a custom one?


    Thank you very much for your time!

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