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Posts posted by Mutrised

  1. Hi,


    I'm facing what seems like a miss behavior to me.
    I have a piece to print, which I need to be more robust on one side, so I added some infill density and some perimeters on this side, usinde de settings by models with overlap.


    What seems odd to me is that I set the wall count to 2, so since my base slicing setting is 2 walls, I expect 4 walls on this side.


    This is what I get in "print all at once" mode for print sequence setting, but if I set one at a time (even if my piece and the block used to modify its settings are grouped together), I get twice as much wall added than expected (if I set 1 I got 2+2 outer walls, if I set 2 I get 2+2 pairs of inner/outer walls so 6 in total).


    "How about setting only 1 wall so you get two then" you may ask... I have a bunch of these pieces to print, so I'm tweaking the print so it print faster. I have set the outer wall to print at normal speed, but inner wall print quite fast, so having 2 outer walls added instead of one inner and one outer make me loose some time..; Multiplied by the number of pieces, it's not negligible...
    And anyway, I don't understand why this feature would behave differently depending on the selected print sequence...

    Does anyone have something for me on this ?





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