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Posts posted by matthias_gymgl

  1. I can't seem to get Cura Material syncing to work right.

    First of all when I manually try to sync materials the sync process just keeps on running forever (spinning arrows), never finishes, and of course does not sync any moaterials whatsoever.


    I managed to get a material synced by just sending off a print job. The material is a manually added material. I could then load the filament and manually select the specific material. This worked well for a while.

    However now I get the following problem: Cura complais that the "configuration is not available because PLA (3D Jake) is not recognized). However I do have this material definition also available in that cura version.



    * why can't the material simply be synced from the printer back to cura. We are working with multiple lapots and cura instances and the whole thing is just a big ugly mess.

    * I selected the loaded materials manually in cura. Any print job sent to the printer works without a complaint from the printer. It's starts printing just fine. So the printer and cura

    seem to agree that the material is the same. But nonetheless cura complains about the configuration.


    We're a school, we paid 5k € for this printer and I am very disappointed with the software that we have. It seems to be that Cura is a hot mess with more bugs than solutions. Connections get lost on sleep. Material syncing is horribly bad. Cura (5.0) crashes regularly on my M1 Mac. I thought Ultimaker is a serious company that actually delivers on their claims? 



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