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Posts posted by Dreamz

  1. I wasn't entirely sure where to post this, but it is directly related to Cura 5.1 Beta;


    Has anybody else noticed the "Horizontal Expantion" and "Initial Layer Horizontal Expantion" are swapped with each other? That has just taken me a while to figure out what on earth was going on (and a fair bit of filament in testing).


    For testing if you set "Initial Layer Horizontal Expantion" to -1, it does nothing to the first layer size, but will make your prints very skinny indeed! Alternatively you can set "Horizontal Expantion" to 0, and "Initial Layer Horizontal Expantion" to 1 and watch your whole print becoime fat, and not the first layer as it is supposed to be intended to do.


    Anyway, it would be wonderful if you could swap these value settings back to their correct counterpart please!

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