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Posts posted by CharlieB90

  1. Quote

    The broken "gibberish" file looks like it was copied from a bad SD card.  Try formatting that SD card to FAT32.

    Also formatted the card after reading some trouble shooting steps but did also try 3 different cards so looked more towards Cura updates. Useful to know tho as I'd never have thought of it as an issue.

    Tho I might try the fresh format on the Linux machine to see if that's why it's playing up with sliced files 🤔



    You should take out the "M140 S0

    Will do. Thank you I only know abit oy Bash and python but after going through this, Gcode looks a lot like Basic - feel more confident looking at it now ☺️



    I would suggest an aluminum extruder (if it doesn't come with one) as the plastic ones are extremely prone to breaking.


    Thank you for the suggestions as I'd have just left all stock parts on and used them till a brake happens. Don't have the knowledge\courage to fit custom parts at the moment.

    As long as the pro can handle hobby printing (Cases for projects) I'm more then happy , don't expect super detail \ sharpness from the prints. What I'm after is long term support and easy access to spare parts.



    A couple of Xvico owners have posted here.  All in all they were not happy people.


    To be fair the Xvico wasn't a bad printer if you just want to mess around but as you've said the support just isn't there. It's hard to find someone official to talk with or get replacement parts - unless you gut a second hand one or Bodge \ get lucky with a 3rd party part.


    Thanks again for the detailed opinion on getting a new printer and for your time responding 🙂

    Have a good weekend guys.



  2. Update - Working


    Not sure how or why but in-case anyone else has this issue.


    - Installed Cura 4.12.0


    - Added printer with cusom FFF printer - Ender 3 profile may also work but not tested.


    - Worked on Windows but Ubuntu is still having issues.


    Not 100% why The Windows one wasn't playing ball 🤔 best guess is something changed in the updates that the Xvico X3 didn't like and my printer profile just got copied over during updates. I'm not the best person to ask but something went wrong when working with Cura 5.1.0 from fresh install.


    Thank you again for taking the time to respond and sorry for any time wasted - just panicked when nothing was working and needed some help.


    While I'm here would you buy a Ender 3 v2 or Ender 3 pro ?





  3. Hey GregValient 


    Seen you pop up on other issues with Xvico.  Thanks for still being here and sorry for the delay in response.



    Post two gocde files here.  One that works and one that doesn't.  Make sure you name the files so folks can tell which is broken and which works.

    Attached two files as you asked for.


    Edit I found that the broken gcode file that was attached spits out gibberish when opening in plain text - sorry very confused and turned around at the moment.


    Can't for the life of me remember what I did before as I had to set it up twice. Want to say it's using the Ender 3 settings on an older version of Cura - then every update just copied my settings but unsure ?


    Sorry about all this , actully looking at getting a new printer (Ender 3 pro)but would like some help figuring out what the issues are with Xvico (Their email seems to be down as-well so no luck)





  4. My OS crashed  - now nothing works and I can't figure out how I set the Xvico X3 up last time.


    After selecting the file to print from USB all the extruder does is move up slightly and you get a red printing image on the LCD (normally green)


    extruder doesn't reset.

    Fans don't start.

    Temp doesn't rise.


    All my old print files from before work print fine it's just any new ones.  I'm not sure but guessing it's my Custom machine settings....? Just don't remember messing with Gcode while setting up before.


    Machine settings



    Start Gcode


    G28 ;Home

    G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;Move the platform down 15mm

    ;Prime the extruder

    G92 E0

    G1 F200 E3

    G92 E0


    End Gcode


    M104 S0

    M140 S0

    ;Retract the filament

    G92 E1

    G1 E-1 F300

    G28 X0 Y0



    Nothing in extruder code





    Screenshot from 2022-07-21 00-38-54.png


    Screenshot from 2022-07-21 00-43-23.png

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