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Posts posted by BlondedActivity

  1. Hi all! I have a print set up with dual extruders, one with a support material and the other with an infill material. I have the extruders set up correctly in the sense, that the outer walls will be support material and the inner will be infill material. But I would like to print with one extruder, which has the outer support material first, then print with the extruder that has the inner infill material next. Right now with wall ordering set as outside to inside, I am able to get each extruder to print from the outside to inside, but that is not what I am looking for. With two stl files, I feel like I could eventually figure it out, but this model will eventually be duplicated so I would like to keep it as one file/model for simplicity. 

    I attached a photo of the model below, essentially I would like to print what is in red first, then print what is in green. I've played with the settings in walls and have not got it to work yet. All help is very appreciated thanks!


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