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Posts posted by TUeStudent

  1. Thanks for the fast response!


    I have tried the printercore cleaning multiple times already before making this forum post and that did not help.

    I cleaned my feeder, just like you said, and I also lubricated the gears.

    After this, I started a new print but just like before, it stops extruding some time after starting the print and again, the only way to get it to extrude again is cutting off the last few cms of the PLA.

    This happens with every print, and all settings are the default settings.


    Is there anything else I might be able to do?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Hello,


    I am trying to print multiple parts, but every time the extrusion stops halfway through a print. When I start a new print after, it will still not work. To get it to extrude again, I have to unload the PLA, cut off the top part, and re-insert the PLA before it will extrude again. 

    Here is a picture of what the PLA looks like after it stops extruding:



    Can someone help me fix this? I can only do print jobs of about 30 minutes before this happens, and I have to reload the PLA every time.

    I can never do a print longer than 30 minutes.

    The prints look like this when it stops:




    The printer will still finish the print as if it is still extruding, but nothing will come out.

    I am using an Ultimaker 3.

    Thanks in advance!

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