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Posts posted by killingtime101

  1. Hello nallath,


    My computer isn't  Win10 compatible - hardware drivers. An old(er) Lenovo laptop, so I'm stuck with Win7. Don't really want to fork out for a new PC while this one still works...another PC saved from the landfill.  Despite what M$ say about the dangers of 'unsupported' the sky has not fallen in on me yet. LOL. Worst case I just re-install the OS and apps using a backup image. 15 minutes. Many scenarios where running an old computer and OS is fine, just a shame Cura stopped support for it. It think Python forced their hand with support for Win7, not sure though.


    Tried the Prusa slicer and the results are much better. Picture below.




  2. Hello nallath,


    I tried installing the latest version of Cura but received installation errors, so I'm stuck with 4.2.1 because I'm on win7. The latest Cura needs Win10.


    According to the support page below, v4.1 was the last version that supported Win7 (?)



    I'll have to switch to a different slicer.  At least I know what feature to look out for now.


    Thanks for the reply.

  3. Hi,


    I'm using Cura 4.2.1 on Win7 to slice a box lid, with a hole in the middle. Pictures below.

    On printing, Cura seems to add a line between the outer shell and the inner hole, on the first layer. This line ends up being visible on the completed print. This is something I'd like to avoid if possible. Trying to achieve a uniform finish on the first layer.


    This line is not there in the Cura preview mode (as shown in the picture below).

    I'm assuming it's Cura that's adding this line. It's repeatable.

    I've tried enabling spiral mode. No difference.

    If I remove the hole in the piece, it prints without any artifacts on the 1st layer and I get a uniform finish.


    Don't know what to search for, as I don't know what this 'phenomenon' is called.


    So the question is, how do I stop Cura from adding the line between the outer shell and inner hole on the 1st layer. Is there a setting I need to enable or disable?







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