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Posts posted by shatteredhalo

  1. I've been experiencing a very strange stuttering-stepping/simultaneous under-extrusion in some areas of prints specifically when sliced with Cura 5.1.1. These same prints seem to print just fine when sliced with Slic3r PE.


    I have an Ender 3 Pro with the 4.2.2 (512kb) board running Marlin 2.1.1 with an added CRTouch, but otherwise stock. I'm a bit puzzled as I can't find any videos of others exhibiting the same issues. I've linked to some videos which showcase the problem behavior:



    Any idea what could be going on here? I am using the default Standard Quality profile in Cura as well as the default Ender 3 Pro settings, and I'm printing via MicroSD. I've tried 3 different MicroSD cards with the same results. I use 200 hotend temp and 60 bed temp.

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