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Posts posted by TheBigGuts

  1. Thanks for the reply!


    Lots of interactions going on when you start enabling these extra options.


    Your first reply gave me an idea to start from scratch with a default profile.  I had been going down a rabbit hole trying to optimize retraction and coasting on a 0.6mm nozzle.  Once I refreshed the profile and changed just the few settings needed, the double retraction stopped and my print quality issues went away.


    Thanks for your help on this!



  2. Hey all!


    When I enable "Retract at Layer Change"  in Cura 5.1.1 it inserts two retract/prime cycles instead of one.  See GCode snippet.  I added comments where I see the retracts are happening (retract distance is 10mm in this example).


    G1 F900 X118.728 Y118.859 E169.1823 ;End of last layer
    G0 F9000 X118.2 Y118.2
    G1 F1800 E159.1823 ;Retract
    G0 F300 X118.2 Y118.2 Z1.32
    G0 F9000 X100.67 Y100.67
    G1 F1800 E169.1823 ;Prime for next layer
    G0 F9000 X100.3 Y100.3
    G1 F1800 E159.1823 ;Retract again
    G1 F1800 E169.1823 ;Prime for next layer again


    I thought it may be an overlap with "Retract Before Outer Wall" but I have that turned off and I still get two retract cycles.


    For kicks, I tried the same settings on Cura 4.8.0 and there is just one retract cycle.


    Am I missing something and this is intended behavior in Cura 5.1.1?  Possibly a bug?


    Thanks for your help!

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