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Posts posted by Casal0x

  1. On 6/27/2022 at 7:37 AM, GregValiant said:

    Good Morning.


    This is the definition of the M25 command from the MarlinFW site:

    "Pause the SD print in progress. If PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE is enabled, park the nozzle."

    So it makes a call to the firmware and "PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE" must be configured in your firmware.  I think what is happening is the printer is following the Cura commands and then the firmware commands are coming into play.


    I've put together this Pause Test gcode file.  There are no extrusions or heating, it just runs around imitating the purge lines and then a Benchy skirt at Z=2.

    Open the file in a text editor and search for "bloke".  The code there is the standard code that "pause at height" inserts.

    In about the middle of that are some commented lines.  

    ;G4 S60
    M0 S60; Do the actual pause

    You can see that the active pause command is "M0 S60".  That works on some machines and causes the printer to pause for 60 seconds (S60) and then automatically resume.  The advantage is that a button click on the printer will stop the timer and immediately resume negating the remaining time left in the pause.

    You are familiar with M25 and the regular M0.

    The G4 line is a "dwell" or "Timed Pause".  There is no way to shorten or lengthen the dwell time once the printer has read the line.  If you were to make it G4 S3600 then you would sit for an hour before the printer resumed, and it if was G4 S10 then the printer would resume while you were still standing there with your...filament...in your hand.


    Print the file as it is and see if the M0 S60 makes a difference.  If it does not, then go into it in Notepad and remove the semi-colons and add semi-colons to uncomment or comment a different pause line and then try again.


    GV Pause Test.gcode 15.6 kB · 4 downloads

    M25 works with you gcode but when i use it from cura it doesn't show the resume print... :S 

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