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Posts posted by Simonlebucheron

  1. Hi, I finally get some time to document my experience with this wall gap issue.

    I have the same issue with Cura (5.2.1). After many test, method of  @DeanSimmons work for me (almost): I have set my wall flow (not just the inner wall) to about 15% higher than all of my other values. This is the only way to get the right extrusion flow and no gaps between walls. I have added the parameter value in the print settings material manager for more convenience. Apart from the aesthetics issue, this is really a problematic issue when the flow is set low (that is my case) my prints suffer from sever wall adhesion and were very weak.


    For a more exhaustive explanation of what I did to observe this issue:

    • I was trying to suppress the gap between the walls after I calibrated the flow with a brand new spool type, and I found this thread.
    • Estep is well calibrated, and my flow is calibrated for each material (using the method of the one perimeter cube).
    • As a quick illustration I have used this euro calibration shape (and the associated parameters) and I can now assume that cura preview is a good indicator of reality for this test (It is what I experienced with about 30 serial prints on this test)

    As reference the calibrated general flow is set at 91% for this material (I know, this is low):flowtest_wallflow_reference.thumb.png.509c6bce2d22587a7c323f5520d5f9a9.png

    Observation: with top view we can see gaps between walls, as well after printing.


    When we adjust the wall flow to 105%:


    Observation: no more gaps between walls and I can that print looks good now.


    I found some of the tests I made few weeks ago, here are two examples:

    • First example, general flow adjustment only

    As reference, 100% flow (3 walls print):

    flow 100%

    Observation: squishy top layer, over-extrusion, some gaps in walls (reminder, calibrated flow is 91%).


    First print illustration with flow adjusted to 91%, wall flow identical (calculated by cura):

    flow 91%

    Observation: gaps between walls but clean top layer


    And the second print with the flow adjusted to 103%, wall flow identical (calculated by cura):

    flow 103%

    Observation: no gaps, correct wall width but squishy top layer (over-extrusion)


    Second example, previous test exaggerated with 5 walls and adjusting the wall flow .

    NotesSame material type, same origin and age but different color, sorry for less visible details (look at my observation notes). The test is reproducible.

    As reference, 100% flow:

    flow 100%, wall flow 100%

    Observation: squishy top-layer, over-extrusion, (reminder, calibrated flow is 91%).


    Flow 91%, Inner wall flow 96%

    flow 91%, inner wall flow 96%

    Observation: multiple gaps between walls, top layer seams acceptable.


    Flow 91%, Inner wall flow 115%

    flow 91%, inner wall flow 115%

    Observation: no gaps between walls, top layer has the same quality as previous: not perfect but not worst.


    Final remark: with a more meticulous inspection, there were small gaps between walls for the last experiment, that why my final conclusion was to adjust the outer and inner wall flow with the Wall Flow parameter (about +15%) to compensate the gaps between walls.



    Another story, hidden flow parameter bug ?

    I have also noticed something bad during my tests but I cannot reproduce it, I am ashamed. I saw two different previews (obviously flow related) with same parameters. To do so, I think I adjusted the outer and inner wall flow, right click to retrieve the material value for flow and generate a preview. Then I manually write the same number for the wall flow, re-generate a preview and it looks different, we could see the difference on the wall width. Maybe a parameter is calculated by Cura that I am not aware of, which change the wall flow... and so it could be a bug and/or the source of our initial problem, that is why I am telling you this story. Since I cannot reproduce it, this is just... "a story" so forgive me to suspect this great slicer that is Cura.


    Cheers !


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