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Posts posted by mooret

  1. I did the pause at height and that worked. it paused and went to 00 corner of printer.  Press print on screen and print head hit the object I was printing.  Did not do a filament change.

    I even put filament change in Gcode after pause.   did not work.

    thanks for suggestion.

    Still cannot get filament change to work.



  2. I used filament with great success on my Ender 3 Pro.

    I put in plugin filament change in 5.6 Cura and tried printing.  It just continued to print.

    I then added a pause plugin.  Well it paused but filament change did not work.  I manually changed filament and pressed continue on ender 5 plus screen.  It looked like it resumed printing but I learned that the hotend did not reheat so it did not print any filament.  Just chewed at my filament.

    Not sure what is going on.  I have the latest firm ware loaded on my Ender 5 Plus.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  3. I keep getting this error on some files, while others work fine.  Not sure what is going on.  objects are small.  I am using an Ender 5 Plus.

    the object size is 132.1 x 40.4 x 128.6.

    If I make the object smaller 66 x 20 x 64, it will slice.

    I have sliced bigger objects in previous version.

    this is happening on many objects unless I scale them down.

    my computer is an I5 processor with 16gb of Ram.

     Would appreciate any help in figuring out what I am doing wrong and how to fix it.


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