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Posts posted by displaynamenotallowed

  1. Burtoogles work on "discreet infill lines" looks really interesting. I will try to start a dialogue with him to find out what is possible with the existing code and if there are other possibilities such as the Honeycomb I was working on.


    I did get it to work to a degree but it was kinda hard to get the diagonal cell walls to be generated with only one line. 


    I'm certain this and even more optimal solutions can be solved.


    The biggest problem I have in regards to this stuff is understanding how to install and configure software. I know what I would like to see as far as printed structures and how the slicers tool path should move but (for example looking at the smartavionics git page I have no idea how to download what to download and how to use if I was to download!


  2. The Part Cooling is working as it should now specifically running during bridging. When I closed Cura I hadn't updated the settings to the profile or something like that.


    I'll look at what you said about the installation related matter a little closer in detail a bit later. 


    Thank You 



  3. Hi Slashee the fan Im referring to is not the hotend heatsink fan. I'm referring to the actual part cooling fan and there is only one of them on my printer. LW PLA at least in my experience doesnt need part cooling. It actually does good without. I try to avoid using part cooling unless its necessary. In this case it is necessary to have acceptable bridging results.


    Its weird to me that this isn't possible in the standard settings. 


    It would seem that I would have enable part cooling checked then have fan speed set to 0 and in bridge settings fan set to 100.


    That doesnt work though.


    As far as using newer versions of Cura I'm fine with that (if they're as good as previous versions) (should be better than previous versions)


    I downloaded v5.x.x. on my newer laptop and it didn't install a desktop icon. I went through all the folders looking for an icon to drag and drop on my desktop and couldn't find one. I couldn't get Cura v5 to launch reliably.


    I guess I should uninstall and try again? 

  4. The developers put more time and effort into a number of aspects of 3.6


    The GUI for example is better than in version 4 that I've seen. 


    I like 3.6 for what I'm doing aside from the slow refresh rate of the GUI.


    Dustin do you know what I need to do to get my part cooling fan to run only on bridging/top layers?

  5. I'm wanting to have the ability to use the part cooling fan on my printer for bridging but have it off otherwise. A model I'm working on right now has relatively short bridges but using LW PLA there is a tendency for the bridges to sag heavily.


    Having part cooling during the bridging would probably help quite a bit. I however can't seem to figure out how to get the fan to run (only) during bridging/top three layers. 


    As of right now I have cooling set to enable but with 0 fan Speed then bridging detected and part cooling fan set to 100% in those settings.


    My part cooling fan dosen't come on at all during the print.

  6. I tried the Alternate Wall Directions in Cura 3.6 it didn't work in the way that the title would suggest. 


    It's reasonable to expect that with this setting enabled that the line direction would alternate layer to layer including outer walls and inner walls however it says in the feature description that the setting was for top and bottom layers. 


    I ticked the box anyway and it did not alternate the direction of wall lines. 


    As is I don't see the use in such a feature. 


    With Cura 4.8 it is no longer an option in any capacity that I could determine. 


    I will be submitting a feature request for the ability to alternate line direction with the actual walls of a print.

  7. The customized infill could be neat for no top/bottom layer reveals. There are two types of infill I'd like to see but they would be significantly more complicated. One would look kinda like Gyroid infill. It would utilize topological optimization/generative algorithm to lay out the pattern. The other would be less complicated but would still need its own ability to calculate and adjust distances of infill lines and convergence of them. It would be only optimizing from one axis though as opposed to all 3.



  8. I think the issue is with how my laptop works. The no desktop icon/shortcut for program launch. I just installed Prusa Slicer and I had to get into the files and drag and drop the launcher to the desktop. It's weird because I've installed other software (Blender and ICESL) and those installations resulted in auto desktop icons. 


    I think maybe the launcher for v.5 isn't there to drag and drop. It's maybe a thing that most laptops handle automatically by default and it wasn't included as such. Maybe it's there but isn't labelled as usual?

  9. I can only think it could be compensate wall overlaps setting. I unchecked those boxes and will see if the upper 3 layer walls slow down. The picture of parts are PolyMaker LW PLA and the breakup of the top 3 layers walls can be seen. These are Fuselage Formers for an RC Glider adapted from 2d drawings/plan. In the original glider design these parts are meant to be cut from 1/8" light 3ply plywood. 


    I've laser cut these from lite ply and in comparison the 3D printed articles are both stronger more dimensionally accurate overall and approximately as light or lighter than the Plywood parts. 


    Pretty Cool...




  10. Here is a issue I suppose I can post to GitHub. I downloaded Cura 5.x.x. in the win64 version. Installation wizard asked me if I wanted to run the program. I did. Then no desktop icon/shortcut was generated. I closed the program and don't know what to do to reopen it. I looked through the entire file and could only see one file that had the C logo/icon. Dragged and dropped that on my desktop. It is "Cura engine" (not used to launch) 


    v.13 failed to generate a desktop icon upon installing as well but I was able to find the shortcut to launch it and dragged/dropped onto desktop. 


    Not with v.5 though. Do I need to learn about dealing with non user friendly installations now or is this a developer oversight, bug or what?

  11. A good way to train A.I. for 3D printing is to input a basic guide/train the program to know what walls are infill etc. Use a camera to record a model being 3D printed. Have a realtime editing software something like a video call that would allow highlighting areas/draw attention to areas and explain with voice to text software "see where I highlighted that area that's over extrusion" "that's undesirable" "please correct that" 


    Or "that travel from there to there isn't as good as from there to there" 


    The only hard thing would be to get the A.I. to differentiate between different lines (infill, walls, upper/bottom layers etc.) With machine/computer "vision" the way around that would be to use multi color printing to train with. Print all the different lines in the same colors as they're represented by in the slicer. 


    That would speed up the data collection/recognition phase of the machine vision portion. 


    A.I. is good enough to learn now. It just takes critical thinking to design a training regimen and time. like I demonstrated there. It's like how good school teachers are the ones that can find different ways to explain a subject to meet the learning parameters of a range of different students. I understand how this stuff pretty well I just would appreciate it if I could get credit for being that type of "teacher" if I would be recognized by people with the "resources"


    If anyone that reads this and wants to use multicolor 3D printing as a tool for teaching A.I. with machine vision Please contact me say that my idea is excellent and bring me into the "fold". If you want to share this idea give reference to me and this post. let me prosper from my greatest tool, ability and resource. This is I know good thinking and a great idea I've got a million of them. Well maybe 900,000 ish now. If I don't get a little love soon I may be keeping most of them to myself.


    Here is another one uh wait a second that idea verges into perhaps an unethical/judgemental area where I don't necessarily want to go. Let the crappy A.I. generated apps exist. Now if they were to become/are compulsory that's another story and should be delt with swiftly and perhaps mercilessly.


    Until maybe then I wonder about why on my most recent prints the walls of the top layers printed faster than I had the highest print speed set at. Too fast. Looked like 60+mm/s when the highest speed setting that I know of set was 35-40. Using PolyMaker LW PLA that speed caused a break up of the wall line at 200°c.  



  12. Thanks Slashee I don't know if I'll submit anything to Cura Git related to this specific project but good to know that I can throw out ideas for feature requests there. 


    Maybe I should post what I'm working on now and ask for help there too. I imagine the most skilled with Cura are on GitHub. 


    What about an add on that has grids premade for use as infill modification and recommend parameters/complementary profiles.



  13. ahoeben I suppose you're right but I guess my idea is to be in a room with trendy furniture maybe bean bag chairs in a circle throwing out things and notes being taken by other people there. 


    Really though I don't mind contributing on GitHub (I'm pretty sure I already have an account from a while ago) it's kinda a bit of effort to explain some things with screenshots and written explanations. I mean I'm still willing to do that but I don't really see how on the GitHub. The only forum type area I see there is (Issues) I think maybe that's where people post features requests/ideas but I think doing that isn't really a good way to dialogue. It seems to me Feature Requests would distract from/clutter actual diagnosis issues/bugs and/or could get lost in the such more pressing matters as fixing issues with already developed software. 


    If I'm wrong and it's all good to post general ideas and feature requests to the issues section of Cura Git let me know.

  14. Regardless of whatever color the infill lines are showing it's being a real challenge to get a suitable density and gap between the infill lines I'll tell ya. 


    I've been bouncing around between v.3.6, 4.8 and 4.13 and sheesh it's been trouble.


    I have tried scaling and changing the parameters of the honeycomb grid both with one produced by FreeCAD and one from Blender. Changing slicing resolution, union overlapping volumes, line width, height, infill density, infill offset. Tried eliminating infill for lines and tried generating them with top/bottom layers and with walls/perimeters. I've gotten close to acceptable results but not quite where I want it to be. 


    I could accept 2 lines per layer within the modifier zone (honeycomb grid) if the start stop direction would be consistently alternating one direction then the other layer to layer and I tried to get that thinking infill line direction [0,180] would work but it didn't, not with infill optimization either the tool path was still random in which direction the infill started printing from (away from Y,0 or towards) if the direction would consistently alternate layer to layer that would even out inconsistencies with infill/wall overlap etc. which would be ok but that's not happening. 


    I'll probably keep working at it I imagine but should keep records/methodical testing procedure related to the parameters of the honeycomb in relation to the slicer settings and outcomes which I have been using a lot of "throwing at the wall to see what sticks."


    I really would like a slicer that could use simple inputs to develop machine learning/A.I. assisted slicing or to be part of a slicer development team. I have what I believe to be excellent directions and years of hands on experience, I know what should happen and theory/basics of how to implement excellent features but don't know how to actually code them.


    I'm just fooling around trying to print R.C. model planes though. I don't see me being taken seriously or viewed as much of an asset to a development team unfortunately.


    Would be nice though if I could offer my think tank to better software if I could only benefit from the outcome...


    As I mentioned I'll probably keep at this thing with the tools that are available to me. It's either that or give up on 3D printing at a quality I should be able/want to achieve or all together. What a waste of 2 printers, a bunch of rolls of filament and years of my life that would be...


  15. I think one thing that is throwing me off (and I'm not entirely sure of) is it appears that the yellow lines are in fact infill and not top/bottom layers. When I click off infill in line type on layer view those yellow lines disappear. Maybe it's a bug in that version that infill dosen't show in orange as it should? 


    It could be bridges. I don't know if detect bridges is enabled. Maybe that's why those lines are yellow even though they disappear with layer view infill lines unchecked. 


    I'll look into that.

  16. I think it's important to have a thing or two to do that's at least a little enjoyable. I downloaded the Cura v.13.x.x. as well as 5.x.x. to see if I can get better/easier results with those and will try them soon.


    I also was helped by a guy that wrote a geometry nodes process for Blender to generate honeycomb grids that are parametric for me to use. He said the results he got looked good. 


    I'm going to try Blender and with the FreeCAD route you prepared both and see what I can get.


    I hope you can get you're 3D printer working again soon because I think you deserve it to be. I'm not great with software/firmware but understand hardware aspects of 3D printers pretty well. I'm happy to help you out with anything hardware trouble shooting related if you would like Slashee.

  17. It was a wonder I was able to figure out how to navigate FreeCAD and use the file you made. I did though and then proceeded to spend most of a night and until the next afternoon slicing adjusting settings, scaling, back into FreeCAD using the spreadsheet then slicer settings scaling in the slicer, screenshots, etc etc. 


    I printed a part that shows it works again but it's not correct yet. I can post more later but I'm really struggling with issues of anxiety from essentially poverty/injustice and can't necessarily be working on this consistently. 


    As much as I thank you and would enjoy seeing this work I also question if this is important for me to be doing and if this particular way of going about it is a good use of my time for such.




    I uploaded a picture from my posting in the blenderartists forum where I annotated with red lines to show the cell walls that need to be narrower than those not marked with red lines. 


    The honeycomb is to be used in the orientation in the picture with 2 sides of the cells that are predominantly parallel vertical. Those vertical cell walls need to be approximately .5mm at the narrowest .6mm perhaps is better. The cell walls that are noted with red (those at angles) should be .4mm or less. The angled sections are I think most critical and may need to be fine tuned from .4-.3 or maybe even slightly less. I'd say anywhere between .4 and .35 should be the best starting point. 


    I thank You Slashee for being willing to help. If nothing else I could learn from studying the file afterwards and perhaps get me to a place where I could simply fine tune the dimensions. 


    If you have any further questions or concerns along the way let me know and I'll try to get back to you a.s.a.p.


  19. It was actually from someone on blenderartists that wrote they didn't think the way I wanted to print honeycomb infill would be possible. I think the comment was less from a (could the grid I wanted to model be done) and more a (not possible to slice/print) one. 


    I posted a picture of an actual print I did that does confirm it (is) definitely possible.


    Thanks for the instruction. I haven't tried it yet but I do wonder about the separation though through that method. If the algorithm spaces the cells equally in relation to each other (all cell walls equal thickness) that's not what I'm trying to do. 


    I can already achieve that. The resulting model would perhaps be more accurate with FC than what I got from Blender which could make enough difference to work but the way I envisioned the optimal grid for this would almost be a guarantee to work. 


    I watched a FC tutorial where I think the user was utilizing scripting for modelling a honeycomb and it looks like I could achieve exactly the spacing I'm trying to get that way. 


    Scripting is a little intimidating for me to use though. I don't understand how that works at all. 


    I've spent a number of years learning about 3D printing though, what's a few days or weeks to learn this part of the process.

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