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Posts posted by Gulu

  1. Hi,


    I'm new to 3D printing but I have been playing around for about 3 months.

    I have an Ender-3 V2 with bltouch and using prusa, everything I print comes out fine.


    However, when I try to print with Cura, the print doesn't print correctly. The test print strip looks great but any other brim or print doesn't stick to the bed.

    So I leveled the bed and bltouch confirms this and also created a bed mesh and stored it. Again, prusa works great, Cura just doesn't.


    I tried using prusa start gcode in cura but that just doesn't work (I don't know why, I don't read gcode all that well).

    Has anyone run into something like this?


    Forgot to say, I am running Marlin firmware 2.1 on the printer.



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