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Posts posted by rustygriswold

  1. Hello community. I am trying to calibrate a new-to-me filament, and am having a challenge with the retraction tests. As you can see, I am printing the "Retract Distance" towers found in the "Auto towers" plugin within Cura. The one on the left is 1 - 6, and the one on the right is 7 - 12.


    There is next to NIL stringing at any setting, but what I am seeing is a piece of filament sticking out from both sides no matter what retraction distance. At the lower levels (1mm - 6mm) it is slightly smaller in length than at the higher levels (7mm - 12mm) but it remains no matter what.


    I'm only about 1 1/2 months into the hobby and have tried googling/YouTubing the issue but to no solution. I'm hoping that perhaps someone here may be able to point me to the right direction as to what setting I should be adjusting now to remove the extrusions from both sides.


    Thank you.


    Cura: 5.2.2

    Ender 3 S1 Pro

    eSun PETG White

    Nozzle: 235

    Bed: 80

    Cooling: 0% (removed the checkmark so disabled)

    Nozzle Diameter: 0.4mm

    Print Speed: 50 mm/s


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