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Posts posted by 3dpalli

  1. Yeah,


    Although your assistance and guidance on this thread to understand the settings were perfect, I am back at where I started, that my profiles get overwritten. 


    I am already on the 5.3 beta and this is behaving exactly the same.


    Just to be clear on what workflow I need to follow in order to "defend" my profiles, if I'm at the open project dialog will I keep my existing profiles non-updated, if I use "Create new" on the open project dialog ?


    What is the workflow users follow when opening projects and they don't want their existing profiles updated?


    Just trying to get my head around all this so I can get along with profile settings that will hold through loading older projects.




  2. Well, I don't believe this is entirely true and there is something fishy about all this.


    Lets take one setting, Print Speed, just to make this simple.


    I have a profile set for 60 mm/sec and on a new profile, viewing active configuration tells me it's set to 60 in the profile.


    Now I load a project using an older version of that profile where the print speed was set to 38 mm/sec. When I load, I leave the open project dialog at default "Update Existing" and the project loads and the print speed is 38 mm/sec.


    Viewing active configuration now tells me that the print speed is back to 38 mm/sec and that value is coming from my profile !!!


    It seems to me that the open project dialog's "Update existing" is basically updating existing profile from the project, at least partially, so after the project is loaded with "Update Existing", my profile is basically back to the old values.


    This explains my profile values going back and forth. 


    How on earth do I have Cura open a project and not updating my existing profiles, unless I use "Create New" every time I open a project ?




  3. Thank you very much for your help. This will allow me to better figure out why some of my settings (apparently) randomly change and how to prevent that.


    One last thing. Looking at profile analyzer, I can see that for example Print Speed is defined on a printer, then overridden by a material in a profile and finally by Extruder 1.




    What would be the procedure in Cura's UI to remove the override from the material for example?  I tried setting it to default of the printer, but it still shows as an override.



  4. Hi Cuq,


    Thanks for your reply and yes, I will most definitely check this plugin and use it for understanding the setting inheritance better. 


    Some of my lack of understanding may well be due to not fully understanding the UI so could you quickly explain the following. Let's say you want your line width change with nozzle diameter so that it is different on 0.4mm compared to what it is on 0.6mm nozzle.


    Since I can find no settings specifically for a nozzle diameter, what would be the workflow in the UI to accomplish that so that it will stick and change the project's settings when you switch nozzle diameter? 



  5. Hi all,


    I'm totally confused how exactly the print settings for a project are derived from machine settings, material settings and profile settings. I find my profiles constantly changing values I have entered in the profile(s) and saved. 


    Now I for instance noticed my print speed for my 0.4 mm nozzle had changed to totally different values. I thought it might be drawn from the material, so I set the speed in the material, but it didn't update when choosing the material so I am totally baffled where the print settings for a project are coming from and why they constantly change. Please note that I just took the speed as an example but I'm noticing this for many other settings as well.


    Can someone explain how exactly setting inheritance works and from where they should be correctly set so they will end up being the settings my project is using after choosing material, nozzle and profile. 



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