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Posts posted by 3DPiper

  1. Sorry, I may have misspoke. I didn't mean floating in the air, I meant force supports etc so by 3mm above the bed everything should be level and flat and start printing the actual model there. I guess I can model my own supports externally?

    We have the bed close to level by shimming under the flexible sheet, but I don't think we will get it glass smooth flat and level.

    If the two halved didn't have to exactly mate, it wouldn't matter. We use it for other prints all the time and are very happy with it. We assumed it to be level until we did this print and were surprised to see they would not mate.

  2. I have a large format printer with a removable magnetic flexible build plate.

    I need to print two parts that will precisely fit together.

    The sides that should fit together are printed down touching the build plate.

    The build plate is not exactly level, so fitting the parts together is not good.

    I have auto-leveled the print head, but that just makes it follow and print on the un-level bed.

    Can I start printing the parts a few mm above the build plate and print exactly flat?

    I have tried a raft, but that still just follows the un-level bed and my parts still come out warped on the bottom.

    I need the bottom of the parts to be exactly flat, not warped because the bed is warped.


  3. My nozzle is dragging across the first layer, sometimes pulling the filament up with it.

    It happens whether I use a glass bed or a spring steel bed.

    I have:

    Combing mode set to 'all'

    'Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling' is checked

    'Avoid Supports When Traveling' is checked

    'Travel/Avoid distance' is 1mm

    'Z Hop When Retracted' is checked

    'Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts' is checked

    'Z Hop Height' is 1mm


    The higher layers seem to print well, I just can't always get past this first or second layer. Pulling the print off is very annoying.

    It is a Revo Hemera head, not sure if that matters.

    I am thinking of putting an endoscope on it so I can see why this is happening.

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