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Posts posted by odjassemi

  1. OK! Finally seemed to have worked through the issue... I think the problem was that I wasn't turning the screws together if that makes sense ( 1 turn for all 3 screws at a time for example) so the rear screw was lopsided... 


    Printer seems to not work as well when active leveling frequency is turned to Never to save time... oh well I guess can investigate that issue but atleast I'm printing again.


    Thanks all for your prolonged help really appreciate it! 

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  2. Manual leveling - I've been following the procedure you outlined. 


    It is 3 mM away from the plate in the rear (and much greater because I've tried so many things) AND it still hits the glass in the corners. I don't understand. Active leveling consistently fails afterwards.

    On 3/7/2023 at 6:52 PM, gr5 said:

    center the 3 screws better before you start

    What exactly did you mean by centering the screws? Centering (evening) their height? 


    I've been using the buildplate tool but it has been very difficult to figure out how to get through leveling.


    I used to do manual leveling on a UM2+ and it worked fine? I don't know what's going on here. I bypass leveling and try to test print a cube after manual level and the nozzle gets smushed into the glass... 


    Any ideas? Can happily send videos...

  3. In regards to your thumbscrew tightening, I tried tightening them all the way to lower the bed but was still having the same issue. I will try again. It just doesn't make sense because I used the leveling tool to level the the build plate so I ask why this is happening? 


    I can post a video of the active leveling later tonight... 


    Just wanna get to the bottom of this!!! Thanks for your reply... 

  4. Hi,


    I have been working on and off trying to fix my UM3 for about 10 days and have had no luck. The printer started not being able to active level correctly (worked thru some issues) but more issues came about. I printed the build plate leveling tool (with another printer) and went through that process but still had no luck. Something seems to wrong with my nozzle behavior during manual and active leveling but I can't get around the issue. I've attached a video as a google drive link of what occurs during manual leveling (nozzle buries into build plate prohibiting me to hone into  1 mm) and pictures of the capacitive sensor plate and print head umbilical. 





    Can somebody please point me in the right direction to get my printer back? Many Thanks... 



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