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Posts posted by chekkefr

  1. 2 hours ago, Dustin said:

    I understand your frustration.

    But please do not attack our Community Members its uncalled for.
    Until my response not a single UltiMaker employee has responded to this thread, everyone talking here are Community Members and UltiMaker 3D Printer owners just like yourself.

    You are more than welcome to share your feedback with UltiMaker directly here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/contactsupport

    Additionally to my knowledge (sorry its limited im not a programmer, my background is in engineering) there is not enough processing power built in to the S-Line machines to support local "spagetti detection". Additionally speaking with my personal network of 3D Printing users and Enthusiasts. Everyone that has been using 3rd party solutions for this.. has been mostly hit and miss.. the Ai detection is just not good enough yet even among the paid 3rd party solutions and results in many false reports leading most of them to disable or abandon the detection completely because it was more issue than just letting a print fail.

    So it very much is not Trivial as noted by 

    Ok I misread your response. I’ll reply tomorrow. 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, ahoeben said:

    "Most printers" don't even have a camera.




    I don't think you know what the word "trivial" means.


    I know that there are printers and services that use trained models to detect failed prints. Training such a model may be "trivial", but getting the required amount of relevant data to feed the model is not.


    So I'm a 4th year computer science PhD specialising in making assistive technology for the blind using computer vision so when I say it's trivial, it's trivial. 

    (Note I got these pictures from google, we have eduroam so connecting to them locally isn't something I'm willing to spend time doing. So i cant confirm they're from the s5 camera but the consistent position makes me think they are). 

    So you'd do edge+contour detection on the nozzle (area marked in red) or even template matching (you can use basic cv really doubt you need a neural net for something this basic, if you do roboflow is very easy and fast to prototype on). Adjust the cropping area as the print head moves using the g-code. Check for blur on the camera (as in second image). You can detect if the nozzle is jammed, generating spagetti or extruding into the case as above. You can also confirm that the print bed is cleaned and previous prints removed (again using some basic cv) before starting a new one (another reason we dont allow jobs to be sent to the printer remotely). You could perform input shaping to ensure faster and better quality prints by tracking the movement of the print head depending on the max fps of the camera. All that is very light weight and could comfortably be run on device or through cura. As long as you have access to the video stream I feel very confident a second/third year CS undergrad could write and debug that code in hours if not a day. If they couldn't I'd start asking questions. There are also endless open source and even github repos which implement something no doubt far more robust.

    That's what i mean by trivial (for a coder or anyone with any background in cv). I am genuinely disappointed that this has devolved into some bizarre youtube style argument. I hope you start taking feedback on board and catch up to the rest of the field again. 





  3. 49 minutes ago, Josnoww said:

    @chekkefr I am sorry to hear you had a similar experience. Was your issue resolved?

    thank you, honestly this is a normal response from customer support. The responses I got before took a day or two to come and made me feel like I was in the youtube comments section. I mean the responses I got for this post (


    I was trying to be constructive and basically got told, 'yeah they're noisy deal with it'. Just say:

    "I'm sorry that that is an issue for you. Printing speed and accuracy was found to be more of a concern for our customers so we choose the drivers and motors to optimise that. However we'll certainly take your comments on board and look at including in future updates or models." 

    I'm a tech as well so PR isn't my strong suit but these are pretty fundamental skills or ways you treat and interact with customers. 

    In terms of our problems, we've semi solved two by turning the bed temp up to 70 and putting new print cores in, the third one is still having problems but we'll work it out. Overall, just very disappointed at the lack of modern features like fast printing and service, I honestly hope you improve but I doubt I'll ever recommend an Ultimaker again. 

  4. The bed camera on most printers would normally do that (check the model looks like it should at ever stage of the build and do 'spagetti detection'). It's trivial to write a computer vision script to detect that (an undergrad could write one in a day or two) and the s5 has a bed camera but ultimaker haven't implemented it for some reason (unlike pretty much every other manufacturer).


    One of many aspects about ultimakers that I've found frustrating.. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Jhawk6553 said:

    Umm lol are you a bot or did you misread my comment?

    Here's the post I made about the printing problems. We've ordered a bambu x1 carbon to try out, it prints the same model in a quarter of the time has as good or better quality and only costs 1500 instead of 10-11k. Also you can talk to support. If we like it we'll just swap the um's for them. 


    To fix the current s5's we'll get support through the reseller.  


  6. 16 hours ago, Jhawk6553 said:

    Out of curiosity, what hardware issues are you having?

    thank you that's very kind of you to offer but we paid 22k for these two printers. I've sent in a ticket and emails with photos and printer logs. For the cost we paid we're going to get a response. 

    The fact that ultimaker have a marketting, pre-sales and sales department but no support department just says it all. 

    Unless you're about to give them money they literally couldn't care less..  And it shows.. 


    Worse printers for 5 times the price with no support.. 

  7. We've always had good experiences with Ultimakers but we recently got three s5 pro bundles and within 3 months of using them two of them have malfunctioned and are now unusable. Since the second printer malfunctioned almost a week ago I've called, sent multiple emails, posted on the forums and submitted a support ticket. All I've gotten in response are some brief responses (offering no solutions) on the forums but no response or even acknowledgement of the emails, or support ticket. Other hardware and printer companies will at least send you an email saying they've received a ticket, email or call but we haven't even received that. How do we know that they've been received and are being looked at?..


    We chose Ultimaker as it was marketed as a reliable and supported system. We have almost 200 MSc students, PhD's and researchers wanting to use the printers but we've had to tell that 2 of the 3 Ultimaker's are malfunctioning and Ultimaker hasn't been able to provide support. I understand Ultimaker's trying to capture more professional users but cutting costs and expecting customers to help each other through forums, youtube videos or word of mouth is not the experience you expect from that level of product. Instituting a more conventional customer service department with complaints, product feedback/improvement and a dedicated tech support team with a set number of hours for each purchase seems like the least you can do to protect and support your brand and promote confidence among your users. 


    Hardware breaks, that's fine. But we chose Ultimaker because they seemed more likely to help us fix those problems and have less downtime then newer untested companies. If you cant provide that why why wouldn't we just choose a newer more innovative company. 


    Note: I would normally send this to the complaints department along with most of my posts to product feedback but because you dont have those these posts are mixed in with all the other queries people have. 

  8. So you're saying if we want a printer which is quiet enough to work around then we should buy basically any other modern 3d printer. What about reliability (having printers that dont malfunction without error codes within 3 months of using them), how about having any sort of support that's focused on fixings the users problems (It's almost been a week and I haven't even received a message, email or call not even offering a solution but just acknowledging that someone is looking into the logs we've sent). 


    I might sound angry and that's because I am. I really liked ultimakers when using the 2+ and 3 and even 5 r1. But over the last two months the lag, unreliability and incredible lack of any competent/professional support has completely removed that feeling. If you were proud of what you built you'd want to fix it or at least take the feedback on board instead of arguing that we should read the fine print to check you haven't cut corners to save £20 on new drivers.

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  9. They're marketed as high quality prosumer printers. If an s5 costs 8 times as much as a prusia you expect it to have at least all the basic features that a prusia does (including modern motor drivers and larger motors if needed). I have an £150 ender clone that is quieter overall than the ultimakers at work. I dont think being on par with an ender clone is too much to ask. 

  10. I still dont understand why a £11000 printer uses thumbscrews and a sprung bed. Or why they send out card and not levelling shims? I understood maybe 5-6 years ago but manually levelling a bed now is slow, is another variable to control with bed movement and leaves you looking through boxes looking for bits of card. I really expect more, if the capacitive sensor needs a redundant mechanism is needed (which it appears it does) then maybe having an additional mechanical or optical sensor is appropriate. But relying on you to eyeball distance then shove bits of card under the nozzle is something I'd expect from a £150 ender not a serious printer. 

  11. Argh ok so the tried calling them and they told me that they couldn't give me support over the phone and that I should email info@ultimaker.com. So I emailed them a few times with log files, photos and all the machine identifiers etc. and got no response. 


    I'd be surprised if someone else hasn't had this problem before. If you add "if you're looking for support please follow this link to submit a ticket", or something similar as one of the options on the contact page then that'd save others from making the same mistake. Depending how the website is managed it should take a few minutes at most to add one more paragraph and a link.  

  12. We've had a lot of ultimakers and the design of their enclosure with the lip and gaps in the inside case can make cleaning out the filament scraps quite difficult with pieces easily falling down into the electronics because of the gaps. This is a particular problem with the s5 with the material station as it extrudes a large amount of filament I'm guessing to ensure an even extrusion. The result of this is that even after a hand full of prints the printer looks messy because it's filled with different colours of extruded filament which need to be scrapped up because the lip means you cant just brush them out of the enclosure. The s5 also seems to take alot of time to do anything, cooling down or booting (it's just a printer and it still takes longer than windows laptops I had 10 years ago to start up). Load time isn't a hard problem to solve but just like with websites if something struggles and takes a long time to load then it leaves a bad impression. 


    I like ultimaker but I really hope you take feedback onboard and address some of these issues. 

  13. We've got three s5 r2 pro's in our lab and although some fine movements are quiet and use some form of micro-stepping the longer movements aren't meaning the printers are quite noisy and so we've tried to avoid using them if having meetings, demonstrating technology or performing studies. We also have a prusia mk3 in the office and we don't have any noise problems with it even though it doesn't have an enclosure as the s5 does. If micro-stepping is the problem is there a way to make sure that all movement is silent(has a high number of steps) in cura or if the motors are able to be replaced with ones that are both silent and fast? 



  14. Hi,

    We have three s5 r2 pro bundles and for a few weeks, we've been unable to level one of their beds (bed sensor noise value is 1.67). Last weekend we updated it and one other two working printers to the new 8.1.1 firmware to try and address this. Now however both it and the other printer cant level their beds. The other printer has a noise value of 1.34.


    We've tried manually levelling them all multiple times, giving more or less tolerance from the card. I've worked with many printers before and have never had problems with bed levelling that wasn't easily solvable. That includes UM2.5+, UM3, Creality machines, markforged, Raise3d etc. I also don't know why the bed is still sprung when even mid-range printers have or are moving away from that technology. If there's a good reason for being sprung then including a levelling shim would be much more suitable and professional than the card currently included. I used to really like Ultimaker's but this experience while considering the price has really made me question that. I've sent emails to Ultimaker support email but haven't had a response. I'm hoping the community can provide an answer. 



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