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Posts posted by FBW_Platform

  1. Hi


    For about a year or so maybe a little more I have had connection issues with our S5 pro bundle printer.

    It seemed to start right when there was a firmware update and has gotten considerably worse since then.

    I've updated the firmware every time there has been one since but to no avail.

    Recently it´s gotten to a point where the printer is almost unusable, I can only just get a signal for a few seconds, just enough to send a job, then connection is lost again.

    Using USB is not really an option as my company prohibits use of dongles unless encrypted.


    My IT guy says the printer is constantly sending pause frames and the network switch is receiving a lot of broken/defective packages from the printer.


    He says to check if it´s set to:

    Speed : Auto

    Duplex : Auto


    I have no idea how to check this though.


    Can this be a software problem or is the network card in our printer dead?


    Ultimaker S5

    Firmware 8.3.1

    Hardware type ID 214475-2


  2. I see you have agreed that functionality has to be at least partly restored to previous levels.


    Would it not be possible to make a seperate firmware line where the "old" functions are featured for people not able to use DF for whatever reason?


    Or at least a one time firmware "upgrade" where we do not need to disassemble the printer to go back.


    I too am working in a big company where I do not have the power to nudge the policies and am not able to use DF.

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