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Posts posted by nick_moss

  1. Hi, I'm new here and I could really do with some help to point me in the right direction.


    I'm using Cura 5.2.2 on a Creality CD-10 printer and I can't get a satisfactory print - I am using Sunlu PLA Plus filament. I have no problem with the print adhering to the glass plate, but it seems that whatever settings I use, and I'm on about print number 50 with everything that I've tried, the first few layers are not printed correctly - please see the picture. Really frustrating. The first few layers appear to be unfused, but the nozzle heat setting (225) and bed setting (75) are unchanged throughout the print and the the remainder of the print is quite acceptable. I've tried Skit, Raft and Brim and all yield the same result. I even print upside down and the part that was previously good exhibits the same problem, so I know the STL file is good.


    Any suggestions anybody?


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