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Posts posted by leotssr

  1. Hi Cuq,


    Thank you for your very detailed answer.


    The  function


    has indeed return the matrix you showed us. Unfortunately it only correspond to the placement of the bottom of the part on the bed. 


    We tried to use the centroid and masscenter functions of trimesh in order to try to place the center of milling coordinate system at the same position as the one of the additive coordinate system. With no success. 


    When it comes to SuperSlicer, it is what we are trying to do in smaller proportions ^^


    Thank you very much,




    Hi everyone, 


    I am currently involved in a research project aiming at developing an algorithm allowing to convert an stl file into a hybrid G-code file generating additive manufacturing and machining trajectories. This algorithm is implemented as a plugin in the open source Cura environment. Unfortunately, difficulties are encountered when it comes to adjusting additive and drilling tool paths.

    In our algorithm, the STL file is first turned into an additive Gcode with Cura. Then the same STL file is sliced and an offset contour is generated on each layer and turned into Gcode commands. Finally additive and milling paths are combined into one single Gcode.

    The main problem comes from this last step. Indeed, when the STL file is imported in Cura (first step) the center of its coordinate system seems to be modified in order to place the part in the middle of the bed. We don’t know what transformation is applied to the part. If you have any idea please contact us,


    Thank you very much



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