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Posts posted by Alesh

  1. Hi guys,

    I would like to ask You for help with my issue. I have highly modified Anet A8+ printer with Klipper on it. I have been happily using Cura until now. I have recently upgraded to version 5.3 which have some features I like but I am facing strange behavior, You can see at picture attached. It is a top "ring" from this project - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:45214. I can see the same issue on other models - on 3D Benchy for example. It is on curved surfaces only. I have tried to increase buffer in Klipper (buffer_time_high: 10) with no success. I have tried another slicer which don't have this issue, but I really like features of Cura. Could You please help me with solving this issue?




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