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Posts posted by jcascella

  1. Using Cura 5.3, when printing more than one wall, I get strange artifacts on the first inside wall printed at the seam. So, when printing a square, it's the first wall printed from the Z seam. I can see this ever so slightly running Cura 4.10 but with 5.3 the problem is much more noticeable. With certain filaments (PETG) it's much worse.


    Under 'Walls' I'm unable to find any setting that affects it one way or the other. None of the Z Seam positions or options change it. In Cura 4.10, I don't have any Z Seam options enabled. 


    While it's not preventing me from printing, if I can dial it out I'd like to. Suggestions appreciated.


    PLA, FLSun Q5, Cura 5.3, Draft profile.



    Cura Walls.jpg

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