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Posts posted by LDG-CO

  1. I did ask the Lulzbot support team since I'm certain that I'm not the only one that would still like to use 21.08.  Unfortunately they were not helpful. (See attached) Ever since the Lultzbot company was sold they do not seem to care about their earlier models or their very long time supporters. They also do not seem as helpful as the when the company was in Colorado pre-sale.  I got a too bad response without any direction as how to solve the issue.  So trying to get any kind of solution I ask if I could load the printer as a TAZ 5 and tweek it but got no real help there either.  I have since also put this issue on the Lultzbot Community board and have yet to get any insight as to how to fix this.


    As an FYI - to correct your statement above, actually Cura 21.08 works fine on Python 2.7 which comes preinstalled on the older macs.. Cura  21.08 works just fine on a mac using the OS High Sierra 10.13.6.  Apparently the new M2 does not come with python installed so I had to download the new Python which I did.  I now need some direction as to how to "edit' the "Info.plist"  to tell Cura how to use it.  This requires someone with the right knowledge which I've yet to find.  I am not familiar with the inner workings or how to edit the file. Certain someone out there has the right knowledge to get the answer for many out there.


    -Or - Alternatively --- Is there a newer version that 21.08 Lultzbot Cura that lets you set up a printer selecting a Buddaschnozzle as the extruder  on a Taz 3 or 4.  These settings will also be for the z rods before the upgrade on Taz 5. Thanks

    lultz email.png

  2. Cura 21.08 will not open on a new mac M2 chip computer.  You get python errors and request to changing  "Info.plist" which specifies the python location and version.  I have read countless forums on Python and it's not their problem.  I have read you do not support older versions and appreciate that but I just want to install it.


    I like Cura 21.08  because on a few older Lultzbot Taz, this version has all the default settings for the older printers.  Unfortunately the new Lultzbot Cura and the newer Ultimaker Cura do not have and options to select and load the older printers with their multitude of default settings.  As anyone knows - for some reason occasionally (after 10 years I've found) Cura will wipe out the many printers and settings you have  set them up all over again. If you have a whole bunch of printers as I do, even the default setup is very time consuming.   I have too many printers to sit and manually plug in all the info into the new program versions. 


    So my question is how can I be able to open and use cura 21.08 on the new mac m2?  After that I get you won't want to support issues or questions.  I've tried downloading Python 2.7 which it was designed to use back then and can't download that on the new M2.  I tried rewriting or editing or duplicating the "Info.plist" from the newer "Info.plist" for the Lultzbot Cura 3.6.37 but nothing works.


    Any help would be most greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


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