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Posts posted by spumpsalive

  1. Thanks all for the great response. The "Print Thin Walls" option is a helpful workaround for my case—if I run into further issues as a result, I'll roll back to 5.2.x. Let me know if there's any way I can assist further.

  2. I'm trying to print a model that has two faces pretty close together, but not touching (about 0.3mm clearance). When I slice it in Cura, it "bridges" this gap, which messes up the part.


    The part is available on Thingiverse here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5228740 (0.5mm gap version). I've also attached a Cura project file in case there's any trouble reproducing.


    I checked the STL file in Blender and FreeCAD; neither turned up any mesh errors. If I scale up the part to ~150% or more, the part slices correctly, which also makes me think the model is OK. It seems to be something about the small size of the gap.


    Cura also seems to be using top/bottom layers to create this "bridge"—that doesn't seem right either.


    I've tried toggling every setting I can think to try—mesh fixes, resolution/accuracy, stock presets, etc.—but nothing seems to have any effect. How do I get Cura to respect this gap, instead of ignoring it?


    Un-sliced model; the "cup" and "ball" don't touch at any point:



    Slicer output; two sides are "welded" together:



    Iso view of a middle layer to show cross-section:



    One more view; "welding" doesn't occur on outside 15-16 layers:



    Environment: Cura 5.3.1 Flatpak on Fedora 38




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