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Posts posted by terory

  1. On 5/29/2023 at 2:28 PM, mamengineer said:

    If it's such garbage, why is Slic3r/PrusaSlicer playing catch-up?

    Why do you think so? Just look the new organic supports, they were very quickly integrated and adopted to the competing product, whereas Cura just cannot get them to work properly, probably because this codebase is such a horrific mess full of code debt nobody can make sense out of it anymore.

  2. This software is garbage, contrary to what anyone recommends don't start with it, it's full of bugs, crashes and lacks sorely needed features. Instead get a fork of the original Slic3r derivative, you will be much better served and avoid frustration. Goodbye Cura, I wonder why do you even exist.

  3. On 5/4/2023 at 4:26 PM, COSnTimmy said:

    Howdy! Sorry for scratching this back open but I was wondering if there's – after nearly 2 years – still no way to change the order of printing when the Print Sequence 'One at a Time' is selected? If not, it would be a pretty amazing feature. I often find myself moving models around, just to achieve the perfect sequence. I've experienced that with Creality (I wouldn't recommend it to anyone) it's absolutely necessary to print from back to front and preferably in a 'snake pattern' to avoid collisions.


    Thanks for reading!



    A lot of people seem to be asking this feature, but as far as I know it's not implemented. Prusa Slicer has it so it's possible that it will be in Cura as well at some point, I hope.

  4. 2 hours ago, Cuq said:

    In this mode you can define the position of the parts on the bed to organize the printing according to the position you want.

    What does this even mean, yes you can move the objects around on the build plate, but that doesn't solve the problem.

  5. On 5/16/2023 at 4:18 AM, gr5 said:

    I think we do have it.  Read above.  It's the order you load the STL files.  At least it used to be.  I'm pretty sure it still is.

    It's a side effect, not the feature. When you open multiple files at once, they will get ordered randomly, most like whatever manages to load first.


    There is already the object list on lower left corner, I don't understand why cannot we drag and drop to re-order them.

  6. Hello all,


    I use the sequential printing feature a lot, but I arrange the prints into a skewed grid from left to right, front to back, so that I can print full height and don't need to worry about the gantry hitting the objects.


    However, it takes a bit of work arranging them like that, because there is basically no help from the software, for workflow that could be fully automated. Since I am new to this software it might be that I am doing something wrong, hence I have a few questions:


    1) Is there any way to re-arrange the print order? Currently when I open multiple stl files, I have to slice them once and memorize the order, so I can arrange them properly on the build plate and then slice them again for actual printing.


    2) Does there exist any plans to implement this kind of "limitless height sequential" printing feature, or is there a plugin for that? The marketplace offered nothing.


    3) If not, does the plugin framework export such functionality (namely, re-arranging print order and object position)? If I get annoyed enough I might implement it myself then.


    Any ideas and such regarding to this topic are very welcome, thank you.




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