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  1. Fortunatelly, I have found what was causing the problem: Klipper Pressure Advance. Nothing to do with Cura. I will have to recalibrate the pressure advance value. In case there is someone having the same "problem", now you know. GregValiant: Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it.
  2. It does not bond to the buttress because it is extruding "on air" where there is no buttress to bond to. If you have watched the video, layer 26 is being extruded on air and thus, it is simple impossible to bond. Layer 27 on the contrary, is extruded properly and this is why it all started. I am afraid that I will have to go back to ideaMaker since I am not able to correct this behaviour. I am really grateful for the time and effort you have put on the subject. Again, thank you very much ! 🙂
  3. OK, I think I have got it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VIsOrsXYf1oYsqq5mra81yE0UWOP8K8I/view?usp=sharing In the video you can see layer 25 which is the nozzle at the supportive point, then layer 26, weird behaviour -nozzle extruding mid-air when it should be starting from the supportive point and "building" the bridge- and layer 27 nozzle printing the bridge correctly. In ideaMaker for example, layer 26 is printed like layer 27 in the video. Both layers, 26 and 27, are printed as I think they should be printed ??
  4. I have tried to record video but the moving carriage makes the camera go out of focus. All that you say makes sense, at least "on paper", but the thing is that it does not work as I think it should. I will try to record the video again and see what I can come up with. You need to watch this.
  5. Did you look at it while it was been printed ? The problem is, in my case, on layer 26 which does not really print. The nozzle moves from one supported position to the other and there is few extrusion on air. I would say that it really gets printed on layer 27 and above. That is what I am complaining about. The bridge starts on layer 26 and it should start from the supported position, not mid air. That is on ideaMaker and SuperSlicer. Between, thank you very much for your help as nobody else has been able to assist me on this. I am gratefull. I may try to record a video clip to show you.
  6. My gcode preview looks as the sliced one. It does not seem to be any problem.
  7. I am printing using the standard profile just to see if there is any difference... No difference 😕
  8. I think it may have to do with retraction. I am going to compare ideaMaker retraction settings with Cura settings and see if it makes any difference.
  9. Thank you for such a quick answer ! I am afraid that the problem may have to do with some configuration on my side... there is extrusion but it does not begin where it is suposed to begin. It should start from a supported position and then, "build" the bridge. But it does not. The nozzle gets into the bridge area (on air) and then begins to extrude when there is no support position and I have no idea about how to correct this. AG_calibrationbridge2.3mf
  10. Hello everybody 🙂 I have realized that, at bridging, the printer does not extrude filament at the beginning of the bridge first layer. It starts extruding at "half" the bridge which, obviously, leads to a failure as there should be support on a side. Apart from this, it seems to extrude at intervals but not continuosly as one would expect it to. ideaMaker and SuperSlicer do it properly so I assume this to be a slicing issue. Cura and Orca Slicer "fail" and I wonder if there is any specific setting to tune to make the printer extrude from the beginning of the bridge first layer ?? Thak you in advance !
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