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Posts posted by Robun

  1. I have a big problem. I own an eder 3 s1 that i use with cura slicer. I have a problem with the top and bottom layers (4 on the top and 4 on the bottom). they just print larger (0.3MM) than the rest of the print and i tryed for days to find some slicer settings and even tried others slicers but nothing changerd and I even cheked if my printer was mechanicly ok and it is. the Z offset is perfect and the leveling too. I am sure that it is a slicer setting that I have to tweek becaus the problem only appers on the layers labeld as top bottom layers by the slicers. I hope that someone can help me because i'm kinda tilted right now beacause everytime i fix a problem on this printer an other one pops up and ruins my prints.

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