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Posts posted by dingo3

  1. I know this was early last year but my workaround has been to find and replace cooling for the outer wall. Depending on your ordering within the slicer settings, you'll know what the next type of line is (infill, inner wall, etc..). 


    Then find the comment for the next type of line (e.g. ";TYPE:WALL-INNER") and replace that with the next fan setting.


    My printer can only turn cooling on or off so I just replace ";TYPE:WALL-OUTER" with "M126 T0" and assuming my next line type is the inner wall, then I replace  ";TYPE:WALL-INNER" with "M127 T0". 


    This unfortunately cools the entire outer wall instead of just the overhang but honestly it works way better than expected with ASA/ABS. My layer adhesion is a little reduced since the outer wall is being cooled, but I normally print 3+ walls.


    This was for an earlier version of Cura so it may have been fixed by now. Of course you could also use a different slicer if the printer allows for it (mine does not). 

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