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Posts posted by crankyjoe

  1. Hi RikChik:

    While Geert2 seems to know a lot about....a lot, He doesn't know much about the US. The Convention du Mètre that the US signed on to in 1875 was not an adoption of the metric system, but a recognition of an international body to regulate and maintain metric standards. The USA has always used the imperial system of measurement including; Gallons, Miles, Pounds, and Inches. There has never been an official adoption of the metric system by the US government for use in the US.

    In 1975, under president Jimmy Carter,  Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act, an attempt to make the conversion that was flatly rejected by the populous and ultimately abandoned.


    I know it is an inconvenience for the rest of the world, but so probably is the currency by which petroleum is traded (US dollars).


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